Monthly Archives: October 2008

Com 475 Final

HERE is your final paper. I mentioned some topics in class, but I also got to thinking that you can really apply any mass communication theory to a social issue as well. For example, someone used the search terms CSI and Cultivation theory and ended up at my page. Now I wouldn’t have put those together, but the idea of cultivating violence certainly applies to shows like CSI (remember Gerbner thinks it’s applies to all TV). So think outside the box, and do something you are interested in and have an opinion on, as that’s the whole point. Sports people–talk about sports and media and it’s effect on viewers, young audiences, etc.  Once I get your proposals on Tuesday I can further guide you along. Don’t forget to tell me if you’re working with someone and who that is.

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Career Planning talk

Megan and Ron came in today and talked to everyone about what they do and job hunting and much more.

Here’s the link to the events that Career Planning offers, including the job fair and grad school fair.


Did you miss the other links on job hunting, resumes, etc?

Here’s one

Here’s the other.

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Graduate school advice, Round 1

First thing’s first. You need to decide where you want to go to grad school. In making that decision, seriously look at the faculty in the department (regardless of what department you want to go to grad school in). What you’re looking for in someone whose interests are similar to yours and what you want to learn. Why? Because that’s the person you want as an advisor, that’s the person whose research you want to be involved in. It’s best to have an idea going in, rather than wait and see what happens. So many websites recommend this and it’s something I sorely wish I did when I went to grad school!!

Ideally you should have a few grad schools that you’re applying to. But I only want to go to one, you say. Well the sad reality is, what are you going to do if you don’t get in? I didn’t get into my dream college so I totally had to scramble to apply to a whole other set of schools.

And know what you want: a master’s? A PhD? Do you think you’d get a degree and go back later? Some schools have options to do a project for the masters instead of a thesis. What that generally means is that any credit you have for your masters won’t transfer to a PhD, so you’re shutting that door. I personally don’t recommend it, unless you’re older and know that you’ll never want a PhD or any other doctorate degree. For example, a friend of mine does PR and is in her 50’s, and she only did the project for her master’s because she knew deep down she was never going back to school. In your 20’s, it’s not something you can guarantee. And it’s the same amount of work anyway!

The National Communication Association has a site that ranks different graduate schools, so check out the ones that you are interested in.

Next post will be a list of things you need to do when applying for grad school and the final post will go over surviving grad school.

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Com 475 Round 2 of essays

Consider it your “midterm.” com-475-due-10-23

Download the document and follow the instructions on there. Any questions, just ask. This is due 10/23/08. If I am feeling generous, it might be all we do, aside from talking about the final project. We’ll see….

And yes, you read that right, final project. It’ll be here before we know it!

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Filed under COM 475, homework

Because I still need “light” content…

With many of you entering the workforce very soon, you might be interested in this article which talked about workplace love contracts…My advice? Be careful who you date at work!

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Filed under Gender issues